November 2020 Newsletter

Enfield Choi Kwang Do November Newsletter
Enfield CKD November 2020 Newsletter

Welcome to the Enfield CKD November Newsletter:


🎈November Birthdays🎈
Nov 15th – Toni Agbede – 16yrs old
Nov 20th – Mr Aryan Sharif – 17yrs old
Nov 23rd – Rob Perrie


Licence & Insurance

Please ensure that you renew your CKD Licence and NAKMAS Insurance on time.
– The CKD Licence will have the issue date and so will expire 1 year after that date
– The NAKMAS Insurance will have the expiry date. NAKMAS have requested that we complete their form from their site. The link is here.

Please contact Mr Tailor if you have any queries about your License or Insurance.

Second National Lockdown for England

The prime minister announced a second national lockdown from Thursday 5th November. We will be able to confirm whether classes can continue to be run once further details are released early next week.

Training Fees

Training fees – please revert back to your normal amount with payment on the 1st of the Month.

Late Payment of Fees

A reminder that late fees will incur an additional £5 for each person.
If you are not currently training but wish to remain on our register there is a minimum £5/month to cover registration fees or you can elect to be archived. Note that there will be a £20 administrative fee to reactivate your membership.

Intro Classes

Now that the running of classes has settled into a routine it will allow us to start running Intro classes again. If you know of anyone that is interested then please ask them to follow the instructions on our Booking page.

Referral Program

Don’t forget to join our referral program!
For every new student that joins through your recommendation you get a FREE grading!
Please let me know if you want any leaflets.
Pil Seung!

ECKD Referral

November Colour Belt Testing

The next testing will be held on Sunday 29th of November. Please check your Testing Status to see if you have attended enough classes to be eligible.
Instructors will make their assessments around mid-November to confirm that you have attained the standard required to test.

Feedback for Students

It’s important as a School to ensure that there is a process that allows the Instructors, Students and Parents to provide and receive feedback especially as we can no longer accommodate for parents to view their children training. To that end we will start using a feedback form which will be provided to the student with a wallet.
Students need to

– bring the wallet to each class
– ensure that their parent/guardian reads and signs to say they have read the feedback
– store the last testing card in the wallet

Instructors need to
– ensure that they provide constructive feedback
– read and sign to confirm that they have read any feedback from parents/guardians

First Aid Training

Excellent First Aid course delivered by Hannah. 😁🤗
We all learned something whether it was our first time or a refresher. A useful life skill that can be used anywhere you go.

Use Of Turkey St and Southgate Halls

Covid-19 rules for ECKD

– For Southgate School students 11 years old and over are required to wear a mask whilst going through the corridors. 😷

– All classes will need to be pre-booked using our online booking process.

– Classes can be booked from 1 week ahead up to 1 pm the day before the class. Please book early as spaces are limited due to Covid restrictions.

– You can view/delete your bookings using the My Bookings option.

– Classes will be limited in time to 45 mins to allow clean up and exiting time

– Due to the shorter class times we recommend that students spend a bit of time at home stretching and warming up

– All students will be temperature checked prior to entering class

– Hand sanitiser will be provided and must be used when entering and leaving the class

– Please wear indoor only shoes or gripper socks in class, outdoor shoes must be removed at the entrance

– Do not bring hand or foot safety

– You will be required to keep all your belongings by your side while you train

– Please use the toilet at home before you arrive the toilets in class will be closed

– The Turkey St parent waiting room will be closed, we politely ask parents to wait in their cars

– If you are unwell, please do not attend

– Uniforms incl T shirts and belts, must be washed after each training session.

Useful links

Class Booking – click here
Review current Booking – click here

All of the following links can be found under the Members Section Menu.

Calendar of School test dates and events – click here
Leadership program and Uniform – click here
Student Login – click here
Enfield CKD YouTube – click here
Minimum Classes required to test – click here
Check if you are on track with the number of classes – click here
Colour Belt Syllabus with videos (password ECKDStudent) – click here

Quote for the Month

Whatever is not yours: let go of it. Your letting go of it will be for your long-term happiness and benefit

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